Custom Segments May Be Created Using Which Criteria?
- a) Dimensions
- b) Metrics
- c) Session dates
- d) Sequences of user actions
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Correct Answer is: Dimensions
The Segment Builder is used to configure individual filters that together constitute a segment. You then need to apply the segments to your reports and dashboards in order to see the specific data.
The Segment Builder allows you to create the filters that make up a segment based on Analytics dimensions and metrics. To define the filter condition, you must choose a dimension or metric, a comparative operator, and enter a value.
A segment is that part of the total data set that we want to isolate to analyze more specifically. To better understand the definition, it is best to give an example: a personalized segment could be users from Valencia who have completed our contact form. We see that we have reduced the total sample to users in Valencia, and of these, we are only interested in those who have completed the form.
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