What is not a filter setting for data in views?
- a) Include
- b) Restore
- c) Exclude
- d) Modify
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Correct Answer is: Restore
“Restore” is not a filter setting for the data in views. It is not a filter setting for the data in views. ... For example, For example, you can exclude traffic from specific IP addresses, get data only for a specific subdomain or directory, and convert dynamic page URLs to text strings.
Before creating a filter, you can test how it will work with incoming traffic.
It can take up to 24 hours for the filters to affect your data. Checking will allow you to immediately assess the possible effect.
Filters are irreversible: filtered data cannot be returned. Verification identifies errors and potential problems before negative consequences occur.
The test function allows you to experiment more freely with different filter options.
Therefore, we recommend that you always check your filters before saving.
Using filters, you can include and exclude data, depending on the task at hand.
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