What report indicates the pages of a website where users first arrived?
- a) Landing Pages report
- b) Pages report
- c) Location report
- d) All Pages report
Reveal the Answers
Correct Answer is: Landing Pages report
Continuing with the posts of these days, dedicated to different actions that we can do in Analytics to adapt our websites to the centrist landing model, today we will talk about the landings themselves. We have already tried how to capture the ranking of our keywords and landings in Analytics, how to improve our keywords with the enhanced keyword and now, finally, we have to deal with the landings themselves.
Landings are the pages that the user reaches when he enters our website. No matter where it comes from: Search Engines, Campaigns, Social Networks, etc. The first contact that the user has with our website during his visit is the landing page. This means that they are a clear indicator of both the motivations and the first experiences of users on the web. For this reason, it is vital to find a system to be able to classify and organize reports around them.
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